Alice Meredith
Culture Strategist & Consultant
Leadership Author & Speaker
Leaders who build cultures that embrace diversity, equality, and inclusion and are skilled in leading change are leaders that will ensure their company not only survives but thrives in our ever-changing and increasingly competitive global environment.
Virtual and In-person Learning Session Topics
- Defining and Refining Change Leadership Capabilities
Navigating, Resolving, and Minimizing Conflict During Change
Cultivating Change-Ready Cultures
Leading Change: The Head, Heart and Hands Approach
Embracing Change: Staying Agile in the Midst of Change
Become More Agile in the Face of Change by Developing Your Learnability Quotient
Generational Leadership: Adapting to the Changing Work Environment
Influencing Without Authority: Becoming an Agent of Change
How to Build a Continuous Learning Environment in your Organization and Why it’s Important
Professional Development: The Value of Defining and Refining Your Hard and Soft Skills
Change Management: Strategizing, Developing, and Executing a Change Plan
Rallying Around Diversity and Inclusion by Improving your Generational Perspective
Understanding and Counteracting Conscious and Unconscious Bias
Contributing to a Culture of Belonging
Imagine a Culture of Inclusion (Interactive Ask Me Anything *AMA* Session)