Leadership Learnables

Leadership Learnables

Ready, Set, Evolve! Embracing Continuous Learning for Leaders

Ever feel like you're endlessly running a marathon, struggling to stay abreast of the latest tech advancements, adapting to the evolving expectations of your customers, and navigating the shifting mandates and business expectations of your organization? Trust me. I'm in the same boat. Just as I'm relishing the satisfaction of mastering a new skill, another emerging platform or app emerges, demanding my attention to skill-up in order to ensure I remain relevant in my career. The thrill of staying updated is undeniable, but the challenges and fatigue of always trying to keep a step ahead in our dynamic workplaces are equally real. After a lively Q&A session with a team of leaders...

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continuous learning

Leadership Approaches to Cultivate Continuous Learning

As a tenured leader and HR professional, I understand the challenges of fostering a culture of continuous learning, especially when time and resources are limited. In this article, I explore practical strategies that connect to specific benefits and share real-life...

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The One Quick Tip To Making Your Verbal Employee Recognition More Genuine

Helping Your Team Normalize the New Normal of Change

Take a Trip to Funky Town and Help Your Team Normalize the New Normal of Change Change is everywhere. Resistance is futile. Eventually, we will all be assimilated, right? That reference is for my old-school Star Trek fans.   We all recognize that change...

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