In the Media
Guest Host | Pluralsight

Agile Conversations
Adopting a servant leadership mindset is imperative to success as an agile practitioner. Join Casey Ayers and Alice Meredith to learn how you can help elevate your team’s performance and improve your own skills as a coach and facilitator of progress.
Guest Host | Pluralsight

Alice Interviews Dale Meredith
In this episode of Pluralsight Spotlight, Alice chats with Dale Meredith, an accomplished cybersecurity speaker, blogger, and trainer with a passion for education. Learn about the importance of humor for learning, GenAI’s fascinating implications, the rewards of ethical hacking, and why Batman is so inspirational.
Article | Diversity Q

Gender imbalance defines the tech industry, where women hold 19% of roles while men account for 77% of tech director positions. Following International Women’s Day, these female technology leaders from tech firm Pluralsight offer advice to other women who might be interested in entering the sector.
Podcast | Pluralsight

Building sustainable collaboration skills with Alice Meredith
Culture strategist Alice Meredith discusses how to build a culture of collaboration on your technology team, including being vulnerable and transparent as a leader, setting aside time for structured brainstorming where everyone has a voice, and meeting each member of the team where they are at.
Article | Pluralsight

Using the learning quotient to boost your agility and set smart goals
In the realm of technology, learnability is commonly associated with software design, where it’s vital to ensure products are user-friendly and easy to understand. Within the world of AI, learnability refers to an AI system’s ability to learn from data and past experiences, identify patterns and trends, and make well-informed decisions.
Article | Unleash

Remote working: A blessing or a burden for women?
With this in mind, four female technology experts discuss their experiences of remote working, gender equality and advice for other women navigating the changing world of work.
Article | eWeek

Tech Women ‘Choose to Challenge,’ Call Out Gender Bias
In reflection of the annual day of recognition and reflection, Pluralsight, the online tech skills platform, asked its female course authors to share their thoughts on women in tech, personal successes and learning opportunities in their career and offer some advice to women entering the tech industry.
Youtube | Pluralsight

Pluralsight Spotlight: Alice Meredith
In this episode of Pluralsight Spotlight, we’re honored to sit down with senior HR professional and leadership guru, Alice Meredith. Learn about what it means to be a culture strategist, how soft skills are key to navigating today’s constant change, and the importance of adapting and staying relevant through learnability.
Article | Pluralsight

Foster a continuous learning culture: 3 paractical strategies for tech teams
We live in a world where change is the only constant. Accelerated customer expectations, evolving regulations, ever-expanding advancements in technology, and changing workplace dynamics are just a few of the changes we all experience.
UCLA IT Services
Webinar: Become More Agile in the Face of Change by Elevating Your Learnability
2021 New York CHRO Virtual Boardroom
Reskilling for the Future of Work.
Connect with a small group of C-level peers for a private, interactive conversation framed around a top priority for HR leaders.
Building a culture of collaboration as a new technology team
Collaborating as technology teams is difficult—it becomes even more complex to navigate when you are on a newly formed team, a newly promoted manager of a team or if your team is adjusting to a new environment (such as being hybrid or fully remote).