Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Culture

Pluralsight Online Course

Course Info

Level: Beginner

Duration: 1 Hour 9 Minutes

Hosted By: Pluralsight


This course is designed as a resource to help leaders build diverse and inclusive cultures. While this course is meant to be a resource for leaders the content taught will be beneficial to all employees of any organization striving for improved diversity and inclusion. The more leaders and all team members expand their understanding of others and recognize the value of including those different than them the stronger our places of work and our social groups become.

In this course, Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Culture, you will gain the ability to end understand the importance of diversity and inclusivity.

First, in this course, you’ll review the benefits of diversity and inclusion for our clients, your employees, and your companies.

Next, you’ll learn ways to identify gaps in your current culture, and then skills will be taught to help teams overcome these gaps. You’ll then discover techniques to organically grow your culture of diversity and inclusion with skills to help you become a more inclusive leader.

Finally, you’ll explore recommended best practices and activities that if implemented, will help validate and ensure sustainability for on-going culture improvement.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of course subject needed to begin fostering a diverse and inclusive culture in your organization.

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