Generational Leadership: Adapting to the Changing Workplace

Pluralsight Online Course

Course Info

Level: Beginner

Duration: 2 Hours 12 Minutes

Hosted By: Pluralsight


The need to adapt your work environments to better attract and retain talent is in higher demand now than ever.

In this course, Generational Leadership: Adapting to the Changing Environment in the Workplace, you’ll learn to better understand each generation that is a part of their workforce and the importance of an inclusive work environment.

First, you’ll gain greater insights into the millennial generation, a generation that will soon be the majority employee group in your work environments.

Next, you’ll explore how and why your work environments must evolve today to support future organization success.

Finally, you’ll discover how to better adapt to the changes taking place at your workplace.

By the end of this course, you’ll know how understanding how to be a generational leader is an essential key to building an inclusive environment, which is the ultimate foundation for the improved team and organizational success.

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