Meet Alice
Alice often describes herself as a self-help junkie. She loves learning! Before TED talks, podcasts, eBooks, and audiobooks came into her world, you would most often find Alice in the self-help aisle at Barnes & Noble. Skimming through as many leadership, relationship, faith-building, and parenting books she could find. Always seeking for new ideas and learnings to help her with the many responsibilities she juggled.
She loves the outdoors and finds any excuse to live life outside surrounded by the beauty of nature. She would rather read than watch TV, eat sweets instead of protein and veggies, and drink Diet Coke instead of water. Alice is always working to improve her physical health and recognizes if she just kicked the sweets and soda habits she might one day achieve her goal. Swimming, jumping on the trampoline, dancing in the living room and practicing yoga to blaring 80’s rock music is what she calls exercise. Traveling to new places and attending concerts with her BFF and family gatherings are her Jam!
Alice is continually working on kicking bad habits, realizing not everyone’s drum has to beat to her rhythm and most importantly learning to set down her never-ending task list and make more time to love on those she loves.

Her Priorities
Alice and her BFF (aka husband), W. Dale Meredith, have been married for 34 years. She and Dale together had three beautiful daughters, and then, in 2007, their family life changed overnight as they adopted a sibling group of boys. Their life went into turbo drive for a time as they juggled two full-time careers, morphed wrestling and football, and even diaper changing into their world of teen girl activities of dance and cheer. Their tribe continues to grow and now includes twelve grand-kiddos.
Her Profession
Alice Meredith has been leading and supporting high performing teams for over 30 years. Alice has worked in fortune 100 companies in roles of Regional Director of Operations, Senior Labor Relations Manager, Senior HR Manager, and District Manager.
All roles found Alice leading and supporting other leaders. She humbly shares that her leadership skills were refined and defined through continual learning and growing from both mistakes made and by following the example of leaders who inspired and believed in her.
She is most appreciative of all who have worked for her, who showed her grace and allowed her to learn her leadership skills a step at a time.
Alice worked hard to ensure the work she did away from home was ‘just a job’. Her husband recalls her telling their young kids and newly met friends that she was just the ‘rewind girl’ at their neighborhood Blockbuster Video store when at that time, she was responsible for almost 100 Blockbuster Video stores across multiple states. She didn’t always get it right, but she certainly tried her best to keep her family, faith, and friends her priority and her career just a job.

Her Passion
Now after 30 years of leading and learning and as a certified HRSP (HR Senior Professional), she is passionately committed to her work of helping leaders build positive cultures. Places where all individuals and groups are free from prejudice; environments where no one culture, race, belief system, lifestyle, age, or gender is superior to another.