Leadership Learnables
Ready, Set, Evolve! Embracing Continuous Learning for Leaders
Ever feel like you're endlessly running a marathon, struggling to stay abreast of the latest tech advancements, adapting to the evolving expectations of your customers, and navigating the shifting mandates and business expectations of your organization? Trust me. I'm in the same boat. Just as I'm relishing the satisfaction of mastering a new skill, another emerging platform or app emerges, demanding my attention to skill-up in order to ensure I remain relevant in my career. The thrill of staying updated is undeniable, but the challenges and fatigue of always trying to keep a step ahead in our dynamic workplaces are equally real. After a lively Q&A session with a team of leaders...
Leadership Approaches to Cultivate Continuous Learning
As a tenured leader and HR professional, I understand the challenges of fostering a culture of continuous learning, especially when time and resources are limited. In this article, I explore practical strategies that connect to specific benefits and share real-life...
Helping Your Team Normalize the New Normal of Change
Take a Trip to Funky Town and Help Your Team Normalize the New Normal of Change Change is everywhere. Resistance is futile. Eventually, we will all be assimilated, right? That reference is for my old-school Star Trek fans. We all recognize that change...
Role Clarification: Clarifying Roles And Responsibility- Why It Matters
Teams composed of different individuals each bring their own unique skills, talents, and experiences to the table. Just as every piece of a puzzle is unique in shape, size, and color, every member of a team has something special and irreplaceable to...
The One Quick Tip To Making Your Verbal Employee Recognition More Genuine
Recognizing employees is essential for any successful business. Great leaders are aware of the importance of verbally expressing their appreciation and giving credit to their team members when it is due. However, even with this knowledge, some leaders may still...
The Importance of Learnability in the Job Market: Why Being Adaptable is Key to Professional Growth
In today's fast-paced world, being adaptable and open to learning new things is more important than ever. As technological advancement continues to disrupt every industry, one of the key skills an individual needs to acquire is learnability. Learnability is...
Boost Your Career Success with Learnability: Tips and Strategies for Professional Development
In today's rapidly changing job market, it's more important than ever to be adaptable and able to learn new skills. As we kick off 2023 it’s imperative to know that employability is less about what we already know and more about our capacity to learn. That's...
Motivating and Encouraging Employees of Different Generations
As leaders, it can be challenging to relate to and motivate employees of different age groupings. How do you encourage employees of different generations to share their knowledge and talents with each other, and how do you motivate someone much older or younger...
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